Monday, June 16, 2008

The Screenplay

So I wrote a screenplay called The Knot. My screenplay books say I need to have some sort of log line for the movie. A "what is it" kind of line. This was a challenging exercise. I mean you spend over two years working on something and now I have to sum it up in one sentence. So here it is: A dejected landlord falls in love with the widow of his recently murdered tenant. .

So now I need to get this thing sold, made or fulfilled in some capacity. Not typical fodder for this blog but its an outlet for expression so there you have it. I have had several people read it already and have made some significant edits. If you are interested in reading I would love your feedback, and most importantly, your truthful feedback. If you hate it, you can tell me and we'll still be friends. If you know anyone in the industry, I would appreciate some help in putting it in their hands.

If you can help in any way (reading or otherwise), shoot me an email.

Thanks all.

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